Monday, April 14, 2008


So when would be a good time for me to start looking for a new job? See at my current job which I have been at since I moved to AZ so almost 4 years I have been here and am very dedicated to this stupid job! I hate working here most days but it pays my bills and there is not much else to do in this stupid town so I stay and suffer it through. But anyways that was a little background...So things are not going very well in the construction industry right now and things are really slow so the owner is starting to get scared because if we arent working duh we arent getting money! So he is thinking about selling his shares to some of the people in the company but that basically means that he is giving up so when do I start looking for a new job? Actually this whole town is sucking totally! There arent very many jobs in this town at all so what I want is to move! I dont care where we move anywhere!!!! Actually I would love to move back to Utah but Brian wont so then I suggested that we move to Mesa because that is where Nicole and the girls are but he said no to that too...I asked him why he doesnt want to move and he said because he doesnt want to spend the money to move which I totally understand because it does cost a lot between the uhaul finding a new place and all the deposits it gets kinda pricey but I dont know what to do and when I need to start getting worried and start looking for a new job before it is too late....

1 comment:

The Fisher's said...

Moving is always a hard decision, whether its moving jobs, moving homes or both!!! BUT, I've always found it is very hard to move jobs, but 6 months later I am 10 times happier :) Sorry to hear your boss is bailing...You'll find something!!