Thursday, July 31, 2008

6th Term Grades

Alright so yayyy another term down! a million more to go swear! but what can you do!? Here are my grades for this term:

Cost Accounting 2: B
Marketing Functions: A
Humanities: B+
Human Relations: A

Yayy ok so I am still not being a cost accountant no way! way too hard! and pointless to me! So yeah hated that class the marketing functions class was alright but I am getting sick of marketing and management classes. Humanities...what a pointless class! I don't know why I had to take it, actually I don't know why anyone would want to take it or would have to I am not sure the purpose of the class and basically didn't learn anything all we did was read Jane Austen's Persuasion...which by the way was a stupid book! But anyway...I liked the Human Relations it isn't a sex class! lol Its relating with humans and how to take to people and whatever so it is a good class for me since I am the office manager at my job it helps me talk to these idiots that work for me! So now I am on my one week off which sucks I wish I had more time off but whatever! So the classes for this coming term is Introduction to Tax, Advertising, Film and Literature and Organizational Behavior...not too sure about this go around but am super excited for the tax class should be interesting! So yayyyyyy

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Puppy!

Ok so on saturday I went to Petsmart with one of my friends cuz she was going to get her dogs groomed. We dropped them off and ran some errands and came back and the humane society was there and I guess every other weekend they bring puppies to petsmart to try and get them adopted. Well there was this cute puppy this girl was holding so we went over there and were saying how cute she was and stuff and we asked her name and the girl was all she doesnt have one she is here to be adopted! I was like no way! so we all held her and she was so stinken cute! I put her down and she totally was trying to bite my pants and was just really playful! So whatever she was too cute to leave there so I adopted her!!! So welcome Mylee Ralston!!! She is 8 weeks old and they say she is a mix not sure but I think she for sure has beagal in her! So it begins the whole potty training idea which sucks big time swear!!! but she is so cute! lol so yeah there is my new princess